Saturday, November 16, 2019

Wiki in the Classrooms

Wiki in the Classrooms Wiki is an online application that allows users to contribute to or edit its content. With this being said Wiki is useful for all those looking to share their knowledge and information on specific topics. This is both a blessing and a curse; anyone has the ability to change or alter the information, including students. In many ways this allows students to “take the driver’s seat” in most situations; they have the ability to explain and describe their work in a teaching manner. This gives them more confidence and understanding of the subject. Wiki can also be used as a collaborative tool; students can learn from one another and contribute to the world and their education in a positive way. Students can now share their ideas and receive constructive criticism while still feeling like their voice is heard. Parents also have the opportunity to engage with their children and their coursework. They can see the teacher’s lesson plans and how their children are adhering to those particular topics. For example, history projects on specific topics and or individuals would be a good way to utilize the tools of a Wiki. With history lessons, students and teachers can focus on more factual information and what makes more sense for the topic or individual. Wikis are also effective when testing students on what they have learned and absorbed. It is a new and innovative way to recall information without the traditional testing strategies. Wiki can be used as a fun way to interact in the classrooms and an effective way to recall information. Lastly, Wiki is a good source for students and teachers to incorporate change in their lesson plans. A lot of knowledge is based on consistent plans with no room for improvement or criticism; Wiki offers the ability to change with technology and different ways of learning.

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Wiki in the Classrooms

Wiki in the Classrooms Wiki is an online application that allows users to contribute to or edit its content. With this being said Wiki is ...